Before making a commitment, consider the video above that celebrates how God’s grace has made your leaders generous and what their Reach commitments mean for them.  Thanks to be God for their generosity.

Deep roots and lasting fruit to the glory of God

Goal 1: 100% Engagement

Our first goal in this season is for every one of us to give ourselves first to the Lord, and then to one another by making a generosity commitment.

Goal 2: $4.3 Million

Our second goal is to raise the funds necessary to both support our ongoing ministry operations and to secure a new, long-term facility for Citylight Manayunk.

— deep roots —

$2.5M will go toward a new, more permanent home for Citylight Manayunk

— lasting fruit —

$1.8M will go toward continuing to make disciples of Jesus to the glory of God. (our ministry operations budget over the next two years)